By Abraham M.
I visited St Christophers Inn from Nov 2015- March 2016, meaning not only did I pass ThanksGiving, Christmas, New Year, but essentially all the major holidays(including my birthday). All this was very necessary for my recovery as I was *seeking a way out*. I truly desired sobriety, and a few other rehabs I had visited were not serious nor conducive to sobriety.. I lost everything, work , school, money, family, was at my bottom. I broke down in the first interview when I arrived….
I became a liar, a thief (my family could not trust me), a drug addict, a conman, a bad friend, selfish person with indifference to life and what it could offer…
St Christopher’s Inn forever changed my life. Through strict regimen, and a no-nonsense facility and through Spiritual assessments, I was able to regain my senses and sobriety. I am forever grateful to St Christophers Inn and their amazing work. Today I have created an organization in which we sell well over 7 figures annually. I help my family where I used to steal from them, I give back when all I used to was take. Though the journey is not so easy as temptation is still very real, I return every now and then to show my love and gratitude to this amazing organization that has helped me.
With Much love and appreciation