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A Brother Christopher

August 31, 2018
My time here on the Holy Mountain has been nothing short of a miracle for me, as well as for those people who love me and want me to see recovery.

My time here on the Holy Mountain has been nothing short of a miracle for me, as well as for those people who love me and want me to see recovery. It has been a long and very painful journey towards treatment and recovery at St. Christopher’s Inn. I have struggled with the lifestyle and consequences brought on by my heroin addiction for almost twenty years. I have lost friends and family to this deadly disease. It has become very clear to me that addiction is a daily struggle between life and death.

If my drug addiction is represented by darkness, St. Christopher’s Inn is the light.Opiate abuse in this country has become a very real and terrifying epidemic. Young people are dying rapidly every day. I refuse to become part of those statistics. I have what addicts refer to as the gift of desperation. I’ve found there is a chaos that exists below my rock bottom, and I can’t escape the nightmare unless I completely surrender my will to a power greater than myself.

I’ve been given the chance to start a new life that begins at St. Christopher’s Inn. I must thank the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement for helping me when no one else would. My loved ones were finally finished with me; they could not continue to witness such a drastic downward spiral into addiction. The generosity and unconditional love so freely given by the Friars is best expressed through the St. Christopher’s Inn mission statement, “We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.” If my drug addiction is represented by darkness, St. Christopher’s Inn is the light.

Jared, A Brother Christopher

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St. Christopher’s Inn845-335-1020
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community
21 Franciscan Way P.O. Box 150 Garrison, NY 10524
Office of Mission Support888-720-8247
P.O. Box 303 Garrison, NY 10524
St. Christopher's Inn is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 13-3668321.