Celebrating 110 Years of St. Christopher’s Inn

This year, we are celebrating 110 years of “St. Christopher’s Inn,” but what exactly does that mean? This milestone is not just a celebration of a number, but rather a celebration of life. This is a celebration for tens of thousands of men in need who have visited this mountain and found welcome, comfort, nourishment and healing in mind, body and spirit. So many Brothers Christopher havefound restoration with their higher power, their families and themselves here over the last 110 years.St. Christopher’s Inn, on the Holy Mountain of Graymoor, is quite literally a place of miracles.

For the past 20 years, in addition to providing shelter, food, clothing, spiritual counseling, medical attention and 12-step meetings, St. Christopher’s Inn has also served as a New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) licensed out-patient treatment program for substance use disorder.While the model of providing housing, healthcare and substance abuse treatment all on one campus is not unique to the Inn, there is an additional element here that no other treatment program has—the presence of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement.

Not only did the founder of the Friars of the Atonement and St. Christopher’s Inn, Servant of God, Father Paul Wattson, SA, model for the Friars radical welcome and acceptance to all who came to the Inn for any reason, but he also understood the dangers of opioids and recognized addiction as a disease as early as the 1930s. Today we further understand that addiction is a disease of mind, body and spirit, and recovery comes by addressing all of these elements—a model unique to St. Christopher’s Inn, and one of immeasurable success.

This year, 2019, we celebrate all the men who have made their way to the Inn and found their peace; we remember and support those who are still searching for healing and recovery; and we salute all the Friars of the Atonement for their continued commitment to providing Franciscan hospitality and spirituality to all who seek.