Executive Update

St. Christopher’s Inn is starting off 2019 with great news! After a thorough assessment in November 2018by the Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), we are very pleased to announce the Inn has once again received a three-year accreditation –the highest level of achievement awarded by CARF. This was a whole-team effort, and a great testament to the dedication of the Friars and Staff at the Inn!
Additionally, the kitchen renovation, made possible by a major grant from the Gift of Hope Foundation, is proceeding according to schedule. By early spring the food services team will be working in a brand new kitchen space with new equipment for efficient meal preparation; larger storage space for non-perishable foods; a new refrigerator and freezer with more space to accommodate larger quantities of food donations. We look forward to a ribbon-cutting celebration very soon!
We are also pleased to announce the addition of a new member of the St. Christopher’s Inn Board of Directors. A. James (Jim) Forbes, Jr.recently retired from his position as President and CEO at New Hope Community, a non-profit organization in Sullivan County. He comes to the board with extensive experience in non-profit leadership in healthcare, human services, and human rights, is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors(NACD), and is also an NACDFellow in Board Governance.
Finally, after an 18-month long application process, the Inn just received confirmation from the New York State Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services that Brothers Christopher House, our transitional living home, has been approved for a Part 820 Residential license, transitioning from a Part 819 Supportive Living license. This achievement is a great testament to the important role of Brothers Christopher House in providing continuity of care!
This is an exciting time to be on the leadership team at St. Christopher’s Inn!
Sandra Iberger
Executive Director/CEO