Residential Services
Substance Use Treatment
Call: 845-335-1020

REACH at the Beach

August 31, 2018
Their goal in starting Project REACH is outlined in their name, as REACH stands for Resources for Education, Awareness, Compassion and Hope.

St. Christopher’s Inn participated in the second annual REACH at the Beach event at Oakland Beach in Rye, New York on Saturday, July 14, 2018.  The event was planned and hosted by Project REACH, a grassroots organization started by three determined women who lost their brother to addiction. Their goal in starting Project REACH is outlined in their name, as REACH stands for Resources for Education, Awareness, Compassion and Hope. They know that there are so many families who suffer with the disease of addiction, and they want to get more people to share their stories both of heartbreak and success to try and help others who are going through the same challenges.

More than 400 people came out to the beach in Rye to participate in REACH at the Beach, to share some good food, listen to some nice music, and exchange stories of addiction and recovery.  Proceeds from the event will be shared by St. Christopher’s Inn and St. Anthony’s Shelter for Recovery and Renewal in the Bronx.  St. Christopher’s Inn participated in the day by sharing information about our program, giving away Serenity Prayer magnets, and providing Narcan kits.  Many attendees were trained on how to administer Narcan, the opiate blocker that can be used revive a person in active overdose.

It was a wonderful event in memory of their dearly loved and missed brother, James.  It was also a good shout out to the world that, as the Project REACH website states, “Addiction is about chemistry, not character.”


 Their goal in starting Project REACH is outlined in their name, as REACH stands for Resources for Education, Awareness, Compassion and Hope.

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St. Christopher’s Inn845-335-1000
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community
21 Franciscan Way P.O. Box 150 Garrison, NY 10524
Office of Mission Support888-720-8247
P.O. Box 303 Garrison, NY 10524
St. Christopher's Inn is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 13-3668321.