Sitting atop Serenity like Gulliver over Lilliput
Intricate tiny temples of quartz, mica, and shale
Surrounding well-worn footpaths
Moss covered slopes; leaves constantly falling.
A squirrel gathering acorns for the long haul ahead.
Francis gives bread to a beggar. Patrick a clover in hand.
The wall continues growing – so hard to understand.
The sun illuminating golden leaves on branches of maple,
oak and birch. Leaves pile higher as nature prepares her bed
for a long solstice sleep.
Empty benches surround me of brothers here before me-
Doctors, lawyers, and priests. I stare but cannot see them,
But know that they are there. In the stillness I can hear them.
They are all in recovery some living and some dead.
Here I sit I sit and pray. Serenity in my head.
~ Gregory G.