Triolo Realty Group Donation

Inspired by a friend who needed help for his addiction, followed by his amazing experience at St. Christopher’s Inn, Oriana Julian of Staten Island organized a donation drive to benefit the Brothers Christopher. Oriana, working with her friend Annmarie Triolo of Triolo Realty Group, along with a few volunteers from Caliber Construction NY, both of Staten Island, organized a collection and drop off of much needed items by the men at the Inn. Over the course of several weeks, they collected over 15 bags of donations, including men’s clothing, socks and shoes; disposable razors and shaving cream; toothbrushes, toothpaste, and body wash; as well as reading glasses, which are always in demand.
After collecting all these necessary supplies, the women drove up from Staten Island on a Friday afternoon to deliver everything personally! Oriana shared that so many people they know in Staten Island have been helped at St. Christopher’s Inn, and they wanted to do something in their community that allowed everyone to show their support and gratitude for our program.
Our thanks to Oriana and Annmarie for organizing this collection, and to everyone who participated by donating. If you are interested in organizing a fundraising event to benefit St. Christopher’s Inn and the men we serve, please contact Christine Madera, Annual Giving Coordinator by email, or by phone 845-424-2142.