Residential Services
Substance Use Treatment
Call: 845-335-1020

A Day at the Inn

There are two different treatment schedules at SCI—one track allows for treatment in the morning, and one in the afternoon.

A typical day at the Inn for a client in treatment starts with breakfast at 8:00 AM, followed by Community Meeting.

Treatment & Activities

After community meeting, morning track clients attend lecture, followed by Group Therapy, while afternoon track clients report to their assigned activities until lunch at 12 Noon.

Assigned activities range from working with facilities staff to take care of the grounds around the Inn, setting up the client and staff dining room for meals, helping food service staff with meal prep, preparing rooms for guests in the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, and other activities as needed and appropriate.

After lunch, the groups switch and afternoon clients attend lecture and group therapy starting at 1:00 PM, while morning track clients complete their assigned activities.

Medical Appointments & Evenings

As needed appointments with medical staff are scheduled throughout the day so as not to interfere with treatment schedules.

Evening Meditation takes place each day at 5 PM, followed by dinner. Each night, there is a self-help meeting, often led by St. Christopher’s Inn Alumni.

There are Friars who live at St. Christopher’s Inn, so they are ever present through the day interacting, encouraging, eating and fellowshipping with the men in the program.

Additional Enrichment Opportunities

There are additional, optional supportive activities that take place on the Holy Mountain, and are open to all men including:

  • Daily Mass at 7:15 AM in the SCI Chapel
  • Spiritual Counselors are available every day by appointment
  • SCI Choir rehearses each night and performs at Mass every Sunday
  • A Grief Group for those who have lost loved ones
  • Do Not Fear to Hope Meetings for Brothers Christopher who are HIV+/AIDS
St. Christopher’s Inn845-335-1020
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community
21 Franciscan Way P.O. Box 150 Garrison, NY 10524
Office of Mission Support888-720-8247
P.O. Box 303 Garrison, NY 10524
St. Christopher's Inn is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 13-3668321.