Residential Services
Substance Use Treatment
Call: 845-335-1020

Men’s Clothing and Food Donations

Many of the men who make their way to St. Christopher’s Inn come in with nothing—not even a coat to stay warm in the winter. This changes as soon as they arrive when all of their basic needs are met including clean clothing, nourishing food and safe shelter—the very definition of Franciscan Hospitality lived out by the Friars and extended to the men of the Inn.

Men’s Clothing

Through donations over the years, the Friars and Staff of the Inn have assembled a “Clothing Room” with a goal of including all sizes and styles of clothing to meet any weather conditions so they are readily available for any men who are in need.

If you would like to contribute clothing for the men of St. Christopher’s Inn, donations are readily accepted every day at the Front Desk of the Inn. Clothes are regularly brought in by the bag-full, often by men and families whose lives have been touched by the work of the Friars of the Atonement and they are happily accepted and used with gratitude.

Donations are accepted from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday.

Please call ahead with questions – 845-335-1001

Donations of household items, women’s clothing and other items are accepted at the That Nothing Be Lost Thrift & Antique Shop. Proceeds of the sale of items at the Thrift Shop support St. Christopher’s Inn.


In the same way, food donations are gratefully accepted and will immediately make their way to the kitchen area where they will be worked in to the menu to supplement the nearly 200,000 meals that are served at St. Christopher’s Inn each year.

If you have questions about donating food or clothing to the Inn, please contact Audrey Warn, Annual Giving and Grants Manager at 845-424-2142.

St. Christopher’s Inn845-335-1000
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community
21 Franciscan Way P.O. Box 150 Garrison, NY 10524
Office of Mission Support888-720-8247
P.O. Box 303 Garrison, NY 10524
St. Christopher's Inn is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 13-3668321.