Providing the Highest Level of Professional Treatment

Providing Franciscan compassion and hospitality, the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement are well known for welcoming those who have lost their way to Graymoor, the Friars’ home atop the Holy Mountain. For the broken men who come through the doors at the Friars’ ministry, St. Christopher’s Inn, the Friars offer shelter, addiction treatment and a recovery community to support the men beyond their shelter stay. In that spirit, the Friars want the Brothers Christopher to receive the highest level of professional treatment for their substance use disorders. To ensure this, the Friars, Board of Directors and professional staff seek out individual trainings and educational certifications as well as

CARF Accreditation
St. Christopher’s Inn has undergone three voluntary accreditation assessments with the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). CARF is an international, independent non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of rehabilitation services received in order to improve outcomes for those receiving care from their accredited facilities. During each of these past three assessments, SCI has achieved the highest level of accreditation awarded—a three-year accreditation. The CARF website states organizations awarded a three-year accreditation are “Providers that meet our standards (and) have demonstrated their commitment to being among the best available.” In late October, SCI was assessed for its fourth accreditation. Results will be available in early in 2019.
Partnerships Ensure Comprehensive Care
In the Fall of 2017 St. Christopher’s Inn joined the Comprehensive Care Network (CCN), one of the largest substance abuse Independent Practice Associations (IPA) in the Hudson Valley. Recently CCN IPA merged with the Community Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) and formed the largest behavioral health IPA’s in the Hudson Valley. SCI’s partnership in CBHS provides a large network of organizations and healthcare providers to assist in providing the clients of its members with comprehensive treatment that addresses all of their medical and mental health needs. Sandra Iberger, St. Christopher’s Inn Executive Director & CEO, serves on the CBHS Behavioral Health Care Collaborative steering committee, ensuring the Brothers Christopher benefit from this partnership.
SCI Nursing Director Invited to State Advisory Panel
At special invitation, Laurel McCullagh, Director of Nursing & Admissions at St. Christopher’s Inn, now serves on the OASAS New York State Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Nurse Advisory Panel (NAP). The NAP consists of nurses who are experts in the field of addiction treatment. They are charged with advising the OASAS Commissioner on initiatives in New York State related to education and training opportunities for nurses, evidence-based practices in addiction treatment, and providing leadership for change in policies and procedures to advance quality care for NYS citizens. Representation on this panel keeps St. Christopher’s Inn and our excellent nursing services in the spotlight with OASAS, our licensing agency, and helps us to stay on top of trends and best practices for the men in our care.